Our Story

Diamond W Cattle Company was founded by Mike and Lynda Williams. Although technically a first-generation cattle operation, Mike and Lynda’s agriculture roots run deep. Farmers and ranchers dominate their family tree as far back as records are kept.
Lynda’s paternal grandfather Edwin Dies farmed in Pennsylvania, where their family has farmed since coming to America in the early 1700s. Her maternal Grandfather, Lemuel Doyle, was a rancher in Texas. Her step-grandfather Sid Frasier also ranched in Texas and, as a young man, drove cattle up the Chisum trail.
Both of Mike’s Grandparents farmed and raised cattle. Mike’s paternal Grandfather Tom Williams farmed, raised cattle, and ran a dairy near Hammer Idaho. As their sons grew and began to share in farm ownership, they started the Williams Brothers Corporation and registered the Diamond W Brand. Although the farm was sold and the corporation shut down in the 1980s, Mike registered and uses this brand today. Tom Smith, Mike’s maternal Grandfather, ran a small farm and ranch near the Southern Idaho town of Wendell. Tom was an excellent horseman and a good cowboy. His farm is still in the family and is owned by Mike’s Aunt, Ann Lorraine Smith. Mike spent much of his youth working with his Grandparents, where he developed a love for the livestock, the land, and the lifestyle.
Although Mike’s parents moved to town when Mike was a small boy, his father taught him how to work. Mike spent many years working as a cowboy, a soldier, and a horseshoer, where he developed the skills, discipline, and confidence to enter the cattle business. Mike and Lynda started Diamond W Cattle Company by purchasing ten steers in 2002. Their operation grew with hard work, some excellent mentors and partners, and being blessed abundantly by God. They now run cattle on the historic Ritter Ranch in the mountains of Southern California’s Los Angeles County.
Mike has become active in beef industry issues over the years, serving in leadership roles in state and local Cattlemen’s Associations. He is currently as the Treasurer of the LA County Cattlemen’s Association, as the Chairman of the board of the California Beef Council, he represents the California Cattlemen’s Association as the Chairman of the Board of the US Round Table for Sustainable Beef, and is the Vice President of the California Cattlemen’s Association.
Ritter Ranch
Ritter Ranch is over 12,000 acres in the Serra Pelona Mountains northeast of Los Angeles near Leona Valley. Cattle and sheep have grazed in the area as early as 1840. John Ritter homesteaded 160 acres in 1894, planted grapes, and built a winery; his son branched out into hay, cattle, and bees. They bought out other homesteads and surrounding land and expanded the holdings over time. Although it is currently owned by an investment bank, and targeted for future development, it is presently exclusively used for cattle grazing.
The high desert Mediterranean climate and rugged hillsides support abundant native and non-native grasses that provide excellent forage for cattle year-round. Springs and several solar wells provide water for the cattle and the large variety of wildlife that also inhabit the Ranch, including Deer, Jack Rabbits, Fox, Bob Cat, Mountain Lions, and a large variety of raptors and other birds.