Beef Sustainability
Raising Cattle is more than our job, It's our passion
Beef sustainability
"A socially responsible, environmentally sound, and economically viable product that prioritizes planet, people, animals, and progress."
Producing a high quality, nutritious, and great tasting product is important to us. Even more important is that we do it in a sustainable way. We incorporate various plans and strategies which are designed to address six high priority sustainability indicators.
- Land Resources
- Water Resources
- Air Resources
- Animal Care and Wellbeing
- Efficiency and Yield
- Employee Safety and Wellbeing

Our Animails
Care and wellbeing of our animals is our #1 priority
Our responabilities to the animals in our care is paramount. We make every effort to insure adequate water, feed, and nutrition, we also prioritize humane treatment.
We are BQA (Beef Quality Assurance) certified, and had extensive training in lows tress stockmanship and livestock handling techniques.


Providing the necessary medical and health care is a key responsibility. We have developed vaccine and anti-microbial protocols in consultation with veterinarians. We have a current VCR (Vet Client Relationship) and consult with several veterinarians regularly concerning animal heath issues.
Producing more food with fewer resources is important as we strive to feed a growing population. We are incorporating better genetics, tracking production and efficacy metrics, and developing and improving protocols that will help our cattle make the most of the resources available to us.

Our Environment
A healthy enviroment Is the key to a well managed Ranch

Well managed grazing and the infrastructure that associated with it promotes plant and wildlife diversity, healthy soils, and scenic viewsheds. We plan and operate our grazing using a Grazing Management Plan (GMP) prepared in consultation with certified rangeland management professionals and scholars.
Healthy Pastures and the soils that produce them can have huge improvements in water infiltration, improves drought reliance, reduces runoff, erosion, and increases the ability of soil to act as a filter protecting water quality. We monitor and manage our pasture with a important focus on water resources

Many are concerned about climate change and the greenhouse gas admissions that cattle are believed to contribute to it. Cattle are not only a much less significant factor than previously thought, the positive effects they can have on the pastures they graze can remove carbon form the atmosphere and store it in the soil.
Our Community
We have a strong sense of community and take our role seriously
Producing food for a increasing population is challenge we take seriously. Our cattle are able to turn the grass, which that humans can’t eat, into beef that provides us with a healthy, great tasting, nutrient dense food which humans can eat. This is often done on marginal lands, or land that is unable to produce other crops

Our proximity to one of the largest population centers in the country provides us with a unique opportunity help our urban neighbors understand beef production. We are also engaged with political and civic leaders, local ag associations, and educational institutions in providing opportunities to educate young and old alike about how beef is produced.
Many more benefits
Cattle grazing can reduce the biofuel that contribute to the catastrophic wild fires that have threated our communities in recent years. Also, Utilizing the otherwise fallow lands that exist along the urban rural interface as managed grazing lands Maintains the viewsheds, benefits the local economy, and reduces illegal dumping and other destructive activates that occur on vacant fallow land.