Welcome To The Ranch

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Welcome to our ranch!

At least virtually anyway.

Direct consumer sales, is a small but growing part of our business. A part that we would like to see continue to grow for several reasons, among which are the relationships we have developed with our customer.  We realize that a the key reasons many choose to buy directly from us is they want to know more about where there food is coming from, how it is raised, who raised it, and are there values concerning animal welfare and the environment reflected in the product. While there are many verification and auditing programs in place through out the beef industry, often these programs get caught up in the process of the audit rather that the process of beef production. We believe the best judge is you. In order to provide you, our customers, with information on how we produce the beef we sell, we plan to post here from time to time about our activities on the ranch, as well as our efforts to improve the the land and our cattle. https://player.vimeo.com/video/250259960?color&autopause=0&loop=0&muted=0&title=1&portrait=1&byline=1#t=

This video is a LinkedIn commercial that I participated in several years ago. I placed it here because it displays our philosophy as it pertains to ranching. 

Less than 2% of the population on the United States is produce the food for the other 98%, as a result most Americans have little firsthand knowledge of how there food is produced. Post on this page will provide a glimpse into how that process works on our ranch.

It is important to point out that although all ranches are run differently, Some things are common among nearly all ranchers, among these are deep love of the land, the animals, and the lifestyle it affords. Wherever you buy your beef, wither from us, another local rancher, or even a large grocery store, if it was raised by a American rancher, the odds are overwhelming that it was raised by someone with similar values.